
~ Ce Blog est un recensement de la biodiversité de mon jardin (et de ses proches environs) situé en Camargue ~
~ This blog is a census of the biodiversity of my garden (and its vicinity) in Southern France - Camargue ~
© PescalunePhoto

April 14, 2010

Coccinelle, Ladybug, Ladybird, Marienkäfer

Plus précisément la Coccinelle à sept points (Coccinella septempunctata) - la plus commune en Europe - se promenant sur une salade au potager.

It's the most common species here in Europe, and I just learned that in UK it's called the seven-spot Ladybird and in US the seven-spotted Ladybug (or C-7). She's just taking a walk on the salad in my kitchen garden.