
~ Ce Blog est un recensement de la biodiversité de mon jardin (et de ses proches environs) situé en Camargue ~
~ This blog is a census of the biodiversity of my garden (and its vicinity) in Southern France - Camargue ~
© PescalunePhoto

September 2, 2010

Jeune Echasse blanche (Himantopus himantopus), Young Black-winged Stilt

Une jeune Echasse blanche qui a encore des pattes bien jaunes
A young Stilt who has still his yellow legs


  1. Lovely! That last shot with the wings out takes my breath away! Wonderful series!

  2. such a lovely young bird -- and that light is wonderful!

  3. Beautiful images! Lovely reflections. The last photo is especially appealing. Wonderful work ... as always.

  4. Great shots again.
    A bird I've never seen. You have so many there I've never seen before.

  5. Lovely shots.
    Beautiful birds these and an all too rare sight here in the UK.
