
~ Ce Blog est un recensement de la biodiversité de mon jardin (et de ses proches environs) situé en Camargue ~
~ This blog is a census of the biodiversity of my garden (and its vicinity) in Southern France - Camargue ~
© PescalunePhoto

February 10, 2015

Guêpier d’Europe (Merops apiaster), European Bee-eater

Encore quelques photos de l'été dernier .. en attendant que cette merveille ailée revienne !

Please click on the pictures to enlarge / Cliquez sur les photos pour les agrandir


  1. Great shots. Envious of these. Never seen one, but I'd love to.

  2. Lovely shots of a bird sadly lacking on these shores!

  3. Thank you both :)
    Yes they are flying gems ! Looking forward to see them come back
